
Siraj Izhar | xyzlondon acknowledges support, sponsorship and collaboration with many including the below:

xyz bikes
funded by the Department of Transport
In kind funds: strike foundation
xyz bike database: Ben White
bike parking space: City Properties Ltd

Health and Wealth
Space Shuttle ps2 Belfast
funded by the National Lottery through the Millenium Commision
Belfast City Council

funded by fondation Daniel Langlois
amp software collaboration: David Herbert
Maison Radieuse: Dominique Leroy|ecos
Maison Radieuse ecology study: Ben Lacher

Clean Air island ngo
IIT Bombay
DJ Sanghvi College Of Engineering Mumbai

funded by EU Grundtwig / Erasmus
initiated by Prinzessinnengarten Berlin
work in collaboration with organisations across 6 cities

Lichtenberg Diary
Lichtenberg Studios Residency Program Berlin

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